The second one is before the transition into the UFO part, where you need to jump as a cube to reach it instead of hitting the yellow pad. The first one is through an old bug at the start that's been changed to lead to a coin, which then teleports you downwards onto the first speed change in the level (the normal speed one). Although it's meant to be decoration, I still find myself hitting them every once in a while through my testing. In the beginning, I've actually already partially done that by adding spikes into the thorns on the top and bottom of the screen as decoration.

I may also buff HyperRealm every once in a while. It'll look like it's meant to be an optical illusion, as it still has the same gameplay. When it turns green, it'll look like a moss-covered cave with vines in the foreground covering your character and the gameplay slightly, and when it turns blue, look water-based.

Basically, most of the red-themed parts of the level will be similar, just with differences in block design and background, but then when it changes orange, the level instantly changes to look like you're inside of a volcano (using toggle triggers).

I also have an idea for the colour-changing parts of the level. That's right instead of solid black with 3D, it's super detailed with no 3D. All I've really done to it is change the ground design, remove the old custom background and replace it with a high-detail one, and change the block design by a lot. I could give a screenshot soon, but my tablet is choking while playing that level a little bit. – As for the news, HyperRealm has currently been getting updated, and I'm almost done decorating the first 10%. Everyone stopped posting here, so I thought “what better way to bump this topic than with an unfunny meme?”. WolfCat67 wrote:- Snip -i do during summer vacation, that isI had to get your attention somehow.