“Tirthanker of Jainism (Anshanath the 11th) was born in Sindh where he preached in Sindhi language of the times and carried his propaganda right up to Bengal where he died.

“Even the period of Proto-SINDHI or Primary Sindhi Prakrit was earlier than that of Panini, Patangali and Kalidas, and even the composition of Ramayana and Mahabharta. But no extensive excavations have so far been conducted at the World Heritage Site of Mohen-jo-daro, wherefrom the discovery of a library could be possible that could provide a sort of clue like the Rosetta-Stone, to give us a real key into decipherment of the Indus Script.

It however provides evidence to the effect that literature was also produced in that ancient (Sindhi) language. In the homes of the inhabitants of Mohen-jo-daro (2500-1500 B.C.) and in its crowded bazaars, the language spoken was most probably an ancient form of Sindhi, the available script of which is not deciphered so far. The petroglyphs of pre-history discovered from the bed of Seeta river in the mountainous range of Khirthar in Sindh (Pirzado: 2002) have opened up new windows through which can be seen the people of Sindh engaged, in the time immemorial, writing something on the rocky pages of some prehistoric book.

As a result of frequent migration of people, groups and nations to the green belt of the Indus Valley through the centuries, the morphological, phonological and syntactical structure of the Sindhi language has only flourished with the passage of time. In such a process, Sindhi has gained by taking loan words from other languages, and has also contributed to the other languages reciprocally. The secret of Sindhi being a developed language is its contact and coexistence with a galaxy of languages since centuries. This long journey of linguistic evolution and development began in the time immemorial, and continues up to this day. With its roots in the Indus Civilization of the 3rd millennium B.C., the modern Sindhi language has attained a spectacular development to become the Computer language in the 3rd millennium A.D.